At War With Radio: August 23, 2021

While living in San Francisco, I had a short-lived radio show on (check them out, they're wonderful!). I unfortunately had to stop when we moved to NYC and I had a difficult time finding a good replacement.

After a lot (years) of back and forth, I decided to bring it back as a newsletter. More recently I decided to expand on that idea and run it as a podcast. As of today (08/23/2021) it's only available on Simplecast; in the coming days it should be available everywhere podcasts exist. I'm excited to get back in the groove of making playlists and hope I can help others find new music they like.

The newsletter will continue as a semi-weekly 5 or 6 or 7 pack of new tunes on Bandcamp, accompanied by a playlist that includes most of these highlighted tracks, and more. The first episode is available here:

Track List:

01. Succumb - Okeanos
02. Earth Exit - Kiss of the Reaper
03. Stress Angel - Bursting Church
04. Denial of Life - Scheming to Suffer
05. Gel - Bitchmade
06. Imperial Slaughter - ...Vile Slobs
07. Shitbrains - Static
08. Blemish - Dipped in Sewage
09. Bloated - I
10. Thorn - Maw of Eternity
11. Sickburn - Harvester of Blasting
12. Pest Control - Infestation
13. Path of Resurgence - Consumption
14. Desire - Demolish
15. Low Dose - For Sure
16. Las Nubes - Hellbag
17. Home is Where - Assisted Harakiri
18. Fresh - Girl Clout

Bandcamp 6 Pack

XXI by Succumb

Succumb - Okeanos from XXI - I had no idea this was on the horizon but what an absolute monster of a track. I was thoroughly impressed with their self titled release; this simply ups the ante with a meaner, more in-your-face, almost Gorguts-y approach to their already unique style.

split w/ SORDO by shitbrains

Shitbrains - Static from Split with Sordo - Hell yes, let's get back on the grindcore train. I was lucky enough to see/book Shitbrains for Two Piece Fest Oakland years back and their set did not disappoint. This new split with Sordo includes three new tracks at breakneck speed with more Yacopsae style stop-go-stop-go grind.

There's a false sense of strength in not giving a fuck
give a fuck

Imperial Slaughter - ...Vile Slobs from ...Vile Slobs - A perfect molding of crust and grindcore. What I absolutely love about this track is the simplicity - two riffs, alternating between fast and faster.

Crawling Worship by THORN

Thorn - Maw of Eternity from Crawling Worship - One man, crushingly down-tuned death metal ready to ruin your day.

Demo 2021 by DESIRE

Desire - Demolish from Demo 2021 - "Let's open this pit up" is what this track screams. Metallic hardcore coming from Bali, Indonesia, this first track will get you pacing back and forth, waiting for the right moment to swing those arms or two-step your way into a cartwheel. Absolute mosh that does not let up.

Irreversible by Dumah

Dumah - Iconoclasta from Irreversible - OK, so I seem to be on a metallic hardcore kick as of late but hear me out - this stuff still rocks. It's what initially got me into hardcore when I was younger, so I'll always have a soft spot for the metalcore trend. In this case, I am extra biased because they're coming from Costa Rica and they sign in Spanish. Make sure you stick around for the doom-laden ending.